Our services

From unskilled labourers to civil engineers and project managers, EWS Recruitment has the experience, knowledge and reputation to provide quality talent. Our blue- and white-collar divisions ensure that whatever your ask, we can deliver:

Double the expertise

Each of our recruiters has dual expertise, with training in Human Resources as well as vast knowledge in construction. This means we’re able to provide guidance and source directly to your needs. In short, we speak your language!

Talk to us directly

When you call us, you will be speaking directly to our management team, cutting out the call-centre atmosphere, and without the hassle of being placed on hold.

Administrative duties

We take care of all administrative duties for the employees such as PAYG, superannuation, public liability, work cover and payroll. Thus, giving you the time to concentrate on other aspects of your business. Our four-step check ensures your employees are properly qualified and eligible for work.

Our 4-step check

Eligibility to work in Australia




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